What I'm noticing about the repulican party is that unlike the left they refuse to answer emails and are generaly unavailable. The left practically go to your door and recruit you. You'll see them open clinics to treat drug adiction, or just healh care centers or counseling centers or places like Planned Parenthood. They'll let you voulenteer and act accepting of you (they're not of course but they play the part). I used to voulenteer with Planned Parenthood and NOW (National Organization for Women) because of the way my father treatd my mother and women in general. Of course as I got more involved I began to be more and more mistreated as well as others. I did not know I was hanging out with actual communists. It was kid of like hanging out with a gang of Nazis only they were sneakier and didn't ever tell you what they were, it was weird. Unless you read up on communism you would never know what you were invovled in. The probem is that when you try and switch you find the republican party closed off and unwilling to let you participate. I think this is a grave error.